Good Game Great Game

Batons and Boozes and Balls, Oh My! (Astral Chain, Pt 2)

Zach Rich, Andrew Orsie, Kevin Ruiter Season 1 Episode 58

Is that a Nintendo Switch in your pants or are you just happy to see us? We've got a trifecta of four games that we talk about today (I WASN'T A MATH MAJOR, OKAY) but really, the only burning question we're seeking an answer to here is what kind of darn accent does John Wayne have? Seriously. Is that Southern? It's not Southern, right? Midwest? Did Midwestern accents exist in cowboy times? Were cowboy times a thing? Was that more an invented era that's been glorified and glamourized by Hollywood for money over the years and in reality it was just some dudes on horses in hats who sometimes shot guns but mostly had the runs a lot? WHEN DOES IT STOP BEING PARTLY CLOUDY AND CHANGE TO BEING PARTLY SUNNY? WHO DRAWS THAT LINE?

Your Good Great Gang is Zach Rich, Andrew Orsie and Kevin Ruiter.

Intro / Outro Song: "We Are Here For You" by The James Rocket (

On Deck: More Astral Chain, Death Stranding, Pokemon Sword & Shield

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