Good Game Great Game

Breaking News: Overwatch? Definitely a Battle Royale (Pokemon Sword and Shield Pt 3)

Zach Rich, Andrew Orsie Season 1 Episode 62

Now that our bellies have finally digested that Thanksgiving feast we had, it's time to get back into the hard hitting questions that you've come to expect out of Good Game, Great Game. Andrew and Zach are here today to tackle inquiries such as what would happen if you Instagrammed your poop? Has this been a bad year for the crops? What is a battle royale? Is Overwatch one (spoiler: no)? Is a Super Smash Bros stock battle one (spoiler: yes)? Are pancakes delicious (spoiler: also yes)? Sorry for answering all these questions as we go along, I just know that the answers are super clear and want you all to not. Get. It. TWISTED.

Also, not news, but Celine Dion is just straight up the greatest and It's All Coming Back to Me Now is a straight up masterpiece of our time.

Your Good Great Gang is Zach Rich and Andrew Orsie

Games/topics discussed this episode (with timestamps!):
State of Play December 2019 (~6:14)
Control (~25:35)
Soul Calibur VI *but kinda the whole series* (~43:14)
Star Ocean: First Departure R (~54:45)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses *yes, again* (~1:16:45)
Pokemon Sword and Shield (~1:27:00)

Intro / Outro Song: "We Are Here For You" by The James Rocket (

On Deck: More Death Stranding, More Pokemon Sword & Shield, The 2nd Annual Gigi Awards

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